Most Natural State
Healed's raw juices have not been pasteurized, laced with chemicals or undergone any processes that extend the shelf life of the product. Because our juices are in their most natural state, the shelf life is only 5-7 days. Nature intended fruit to stay fresh no longer than a week, and that’s how we keep our juices.
Plant-Based Nutrients
Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals and enzymes that our bodies need for optimal health. The plants we use are organic and locally sourced whenever available. This commitment ensures we provide the most nutrient dense plants in each of our bottles.
Pasteurization is the process of heating the juice to kill any bacteria that might be in the fruits and veggies. While this process removes bacteria, it also damages the vitamins, minerals and enzymes found in the juice. Without these vital nutrients, your juice doesn’t have the transforming health benefits it did prior to the heating process.
In order to ensure you do not ingest any harmful bacteria, Healed follows a strict cleaning, washing and sterilization process prior to juicing the fruits and vegetables.